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বিদ্যুৎ বিভাগের নির্দেশনা মোতাবেক বকেয়া বিদ্যুৎ বিল আদায়ের জন্য সংযোগ বিচ্ছিন্ন অভিযান চলছে। সংযোগ বিচ্ছিন্ন এড়াতে আপনার সকল বিদ্যুৎ বিল পরিশোধ করে পরিশোধিত বিলের কপি সংযোগ বিচ্ছিন্নকারী দলকে দেখানোর জন্য অনুরোধ করা হলো। উল্লেখ্য, স্পটে কোন বিদ্যুৎ বিলের অর্থ আদায়/গ্রহণ করা হবে না। -> সম্ভাব্য লোডশেডিং এর সিডিউল প্রকাশ করা হয়েছে  জ্বালানি সংকট মোকাবেলায়, সরকারি নির্দেশনা মেনে চলুন। রাত আটটার পর দোকান, শপিং মল, মার্কেট, বিপণিবিতান, কাঁচাবাজার ইত্যাদি বন্ধ রাখুন। এসি ব্যবহার পরিহার করুন। একান্তই এসি ব্যবহার করতে হলে তাপমাত্রা নূন্যতম ২৫ ডিগ্রি সে: রাখুন। সন্ধার সময় হতে রাত ১২টা পর্যন্ত মটর, ইস্ত্রি, ওভেন, সেচ পাম্প, লন্ডী, ওয়েল্ডিং মেশিন/ মেকানিক্যাল ওয়ার্কশপ, ইজি বাইক চার্জিং বন্ধ রাখুন। জরুরি প্রয়োজনে পল্লী বিদ্যুৎ সমিতির অভিযোগ কেন্দ্রের মোবাইল নম্বরে যোগাযোগ করুন। বিদ্যুৎ ব্যবহারে সাশ্রয়ী হোন। নিয়মিত বিদ্যুৎ বিল পরিশোধ করুন।

Citizen Charter

Citizen Charter

Headquarters Office: 0441-6222

Headquarters, Complaint Center: 0441-62875

Officer / Complaint Center Name and Mobile Number

01. Headquarters, Non / K


0. Barguna, Zonal Office


03. Bauphal, Zonal Office


04. Kalapara, Zonal Office


05. Galachipa, Zonal Office


06. Headquarters, DGM (Technical)


07. Amtali, Area Office


08. Dumki, Area Office


09. Mahipur, the complaint center


10. Hajipur, Complaint Center


09. Datmina Complaint Center


10. Subivadkhali, the complaint center


11. Betagi, Area Office


12. Chandukhi, the complaint center


13. Tabloli, complaint center


14. Kharijma, the complaint center


15. Goslinga Complaint Center


16. Kalisuri, Area Office


17. Kathaltoli, Complaint Center


18. Badarpur Complaint Center


19. AGM (administration)


20. AGM (finance)


21. AGM (And & M)


22. AGM (ANDC)


22. AGM (member service)


23. AGM (And & M), Bauphal Zonal Office


24 AGM (And & M), Barguna Zonal Office


25. AGM (And & M), Kalapara Zonal Office


26. AGM (And & M), Galachipa Zonal Office


Do not pay any money without Rashid.

"Take advantage of electricity, give access to others"

"Refrain from using illegal power"

"Use energy-saving bulbs"

Customer Service Center

One location service:

* New electricity connection application can be found at the center of Patuakhali Pubis, Kalikapur, Patuakhali / Zonal Office - "Service at one place" in Baupulla, Barguna, Kalapara, Galachipa, and also visit the association website (www.patuakhalipbs.org) Can be made to report all kinds of charges including incomplete complaints, changes in power outage / bill / disconnection and reconnection / changes in any type of load / poll and line Information about Bay and so on can be found.

Complaints about electricity bill

* PBS headquarters will be able to pay electricity bills to the subscribers through cash bank of the Kalikapur, Patuakhali / Zonal offices - Bauhupal, Barguna, Kalapara, Galachipa or through scheduled bank and Teletalk of the respective areas.

The problem of power outage

* If you report your power outage at the Pabis Headquarters office in Kalikapur, Patuakhali / Zonal Office - Bauhupal, Barguna, Kalapara, Galachipa or related areas, you will be given the details of the complaint number and possible time of settlement.

Temporary power connection

* Fairs, Ananda Mela will be able to take temporary connections in connection with construction sites like roads, bridges, wedding ceremonies, maufil and worship etc. Temporary connections do not apply to industrial establishments and complexes.

Construction of temporary connection

* Residential, Commercial Complexes, Residential Hotel Motels and Tourism Centers will be able to accept connections for temporary construction work.

Incremental Load:

* To apply for a load increase, apply for the survey fee payable.

* New agreement will be executed.

* To build the load according to the applicable line construction / other expenditure and the kilowatt is required to be paid at the existing rate.

Papers required for new connection

01. In case of residential / commercial / charity (LT) connection

Off-line papers should be submitted

On-line papers should be submitted


Application form (including mobile number) with 01 copies of the photograph filled properly along with the signature of the applicant.


01 copy of the applicant (scan photo) (including mobile number).


Certified copy of land documents or papers or vendor papers or rental agreement or power of attorneys.


Land records or scrutiny or vendor's paper or rental agreement or scan copy of the power of attorney.


Photocopy of last paid bill if there is no previous or temporary connection.


National Identity Card number entry.

0. In case of residential / commercial / charity (HT) connection

Off-line papers should be submitted

On-line papers should be submitted


Application form (including mobile number) with 01 copies of the photograph filled properly along with the signature of the applicant.

Online has not been launched yet.


Certified copy of land documents or papers or vendor papers or rental agreement or power of attorneys.


Photocopy of last paid bill if there is no previous or temporary connection.

03. In case of all types of art (LT) connections:

Off-line papers should be submitted

On-line papers should be submitted


Application form (including mobile number) with 01 copies of the photograph filled properly along with the signature of the applicant.

Online has not been launched yet.


Certified copy of land documents or papers or vendor papers or rental agreement or power of attorneys.


Photocopy of last paid bill if there is no previous or temporary connection.


Certified copy of trade license or industrial registration certificate.


Copy of Lay-Out Town.

04. In case of all types of art (HT) connections:

Off-line papers should be submitted